Thursday, May 16, 2019

No War!

I am feeling a bit surly & aggrieved this morning. My moral outrage has no bounds. The reality of my own powerlessness makes me angry & sad. My heightened sense of another injustice going down in my name, under the Flag of Good Old USA is totally infuriating. Disheartening. Listening to the radio. Can it really be true, (pardon my French), are USA persons really trying to gin up another fucking war? This time with Iran? This Criminal President? This incompetent, corrupt and poisonous administration? This crazy-ass, mixed-up world? Really? Fuck!

I think of the Afghanistan War - "Even the most dedicated news junkies can find it difficult to keep up on the war in Afghanistan, now in its 18th year. This guide is for those who could use a refresher on the conflict, in which more than 2,400 Americans have died. At least 62,000 Afghan soldiers and police officers have been killed since the war began, in 2001, and more than 24,000 civilians have died in the past decade."

How much money did the Afghanistan War cost the USA? "The Afghanistan War is a military conflict that began in 2001 and has cost $1.07 trillion."

I think of the Iraq War (Bush/Cheney's Illegal War of Choice, or as we like to call it Bush's Complete Clusterfuck!) - "The Iraq War was a military conflict that lasted seven years, from 2003 to 2011, and cost $1.06 trillion. The war added more than $1 trillion to the U.S. debt."

How many Casualties in the Iraq War?  "Casualty estimates range from 151,000 violent deaths as of June 2006 (per the Iraq Family Health Survey) to 461,000 total deaths as of June 2011 (per PLOS Medicine 2013), over 60% of the latter being violent.[1] Other estimates, which are disputed in the scientific community, such as the 2006 Lancet study and the 2007 Opinion Research Business (ORB) survey put the numbers as high as 655,000 total deaths as of June 2006 (over 90% of them violent) and 1.2 million violent deaths as of August 2007 respectively. Body counts — which underestimate mortality — counted at least 110,600 violent deaths as of April 2009 (Associated Press). The Iraq Body Count project documents 183,249 – 205,785 violent civilian deaths through to February 2019.[1]"

Also don't forget the side dishes: Torture Regime, PSTD, broken bodies, severed limbs, all those people scarred for life, all those crushed hopes and dreams and ideals. We are all still reeling from these Wars. Suicides. Opioid addiction. Overdoses. Longterm disability, depression, disability. Lives ended and altered forever. Are we really this stupid, this short-sighted, this misguided, this corrupt and morally bankrupt? This evil-minded? Really? Fuck!

We do not need another FUCKING War! I say NO!