Saturday, March 09, 2019

Not in this World, Buddy...

If you are waiting for
every last evil-doer
to face the music
you will be waiting
a long time.

Not in this world, buddy.

That's part of the thing.

We watch really terrible
people, do terrible things,
and thrive.

They wear nice clothes
drive cool cars
earn lots of $$$
and lord it over
the common folk.

There are those who
walk over other people.
There are those who
are walked upon.

If you are one of those
who are walked upon,
maybe, remember,
it's not personal.

You just happen
to be in the way.

Move aside
let that evil-doer
do their thing.

That's not your
thing. Try
to carry on,
a better

Those evil-doers
have to be them.
You don't.

That's your
best revenge.
