Sunday, March 24, 2019

Experience the Experience.

We all probably know this, but maybe the things we all know are the things we should notice and acknowledge. The obvious.

So, sleeping, madly, sweetly and deeply, this sentence comes to me: "Don't judge the moment, just experience it."

This seems like revelation. Like something really important. Maybe I knew this, but didn't really know it? Can I live it? Be it? Totally subsume it into my moment by moment existence? Can I experience the things of the world, the moments of my life and save my judgements for later?

I mean, maybe that's actually how it really does happen. Smart people tell us we experience something, then we decide to judge the experience, we think the judgement is it, the ultimate thing, and forget to absorb the experience, maybe it's an impossible task, to experience the world with no filters, but it's really the experience which transcends, is bigger, more profound than any judgement or later reflection we can attach to it.

Right. It's a little thing. A small thing. Maybe everything. Experience the experience.