Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Democracy Dies in Darkness - Release the Full Mueller Report!

Yes. I do think we are being lied to, (see two previous posts), I don't think the "Barr Memo" is a decent stand-in for the full "Mueller Report." I do not believe our President when he tells us, based on a quick, sketchy summary, concocted by his hand-picked Attorney General that he has been "totally exonerated." We are being lied to, it's an educated guess, but it's also an overwhelming feeling, one that I am not happy about. We know nothing. We don't even have any idea how many pages make up the full Mueller Report.

Will we ever know the truth?

I suppose this President and his henchmen will do all they can to make sure that we don't ever get a chance to see the full Mueller report. This is something I just did not foresee. I didn't realize it was even possible. All this time tracking with the Mueller investigation from afar, expecting that when it was done we'd finally get the facts. Everything would be laid bare. I was working on an old model, I recall my days as a wee lad, watching the Watergate scandal unfold. I still kind of believed that our systems of laws, our political system could work. I guess not. It's a bit scary, leaves me uncertain, unhappy, queasy stomach, a most confused citizen.

I mean, actually it's worse than that, I have a sinking feeling that the country I thought I lived in all these years is not the country that I am living in. I mean, I know that's a strange thing to say, my country is often failing, people never cease to disappoint, every day there's an outrage, an insult, a crime, an instance of injustice, bad guys thriving, good folks suffering.

Still, it's strange to watch my fellow Americans, pundits and journalists all just nodding their heads, going along with this odd charade. This is just another chapter in the great hustle that is this Presidency. We are all being lied to, bush-whacked, fleeced, robbed, robbed of our crazy-ass ideas that this was a special place, one of the few countries where we could face the music, reconcile our flaws, work on trying to make a more perfect union, knowing that there is no perfection, and we are always pulling apart, always short of our ideals.

There are bad actors amongst us. Our political adversaries. They just don't care. They wield their power. They are audacious, rapacious, they don't play by the rules. They play dirty. It's an unfair game, a stacked deck. They have no shame, they are hypocrites, they are arrogant, they do whatever they think they can get away with. They have no respect for us. They do not fear us. They see us clinging to certain ideals and they see it as weakness. We are losing. We just aren't as ruthless. We are losing everything we hold precious. I still hold a slight spark of hope deep inside me, but it's a hope beyond hope. I shudder at the thought that maybe even hope itself is just another weakness that can, and most surely will be, exploited in this dark, forbidding, sadly-sinking empire...