Monday, February 25, 2019

The Mask.

Try to rationalize
with an irrational person.

It can't be done.

Of course, we are all
a bit irrational, so it's not
a totally neat construction.

Rationality has its limits.
Don't you think?

As someone once said,
"Rationality is just another mask we wear."

A mask we put on to appear rational.

So when wearing the mask of rationality
it is nearly impossible to rationalize
with someone who is wearing the mask
of irrationality.

And, often,
when we rationalize,
we are trying to
rationalize what
can't be rationalized,
we are trying to digest
the indigestible,
we are trying to understand
the un-understandable.

Mask or no mask,
I mean,
It is a hard thing to do.