Friday, February 08, 2019

Inquiring Minds Want to Know!

Wow. This is kind of an interesting story. You could not make it up.

The Richest Man in the World, Jeff Bezos, founder/owner of Amazon & the Washington Post just published a series of letters which seems to demonstrate that David Pecker (yes, that really is his last name), his legal team, and his scandal-sheet, The National Enquirer are trying to black-mail & extort him.

Lawyers for The National Enquirer seems to be implying they have series of photos, "dick pics," and other compromising photos of Bezos while he was carrying on an extramarital affair. Bezos is going thru a messy divorce, and well, someone, somehow got access to a trove of intimate photos online.

How to blowup a black-mail/extortion attempt? Go public with it, right? Damn the torpedoes. Not many people would be in position to do that, but Bezos is certainly uniquely positioned. He can go public and take the black-mailers on. This is an excellent example of "The Truth Will Set You Free!"

This story has legs. And major political ramifications.

Remember the Washington Post is in the midst of major investigations on our 45th President, a man who just happens to be one of Pecker's "friends." There are rumors that Pecker also has a trove of stories and photos about 45 too. You wonder if he is holding those over his good friend too?

There is also an on-going investigation into the death of the Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, who was brutally murdered by Saudi Arabian agents in the Saudi Embassy in Turkey. Did Saudi intelligence hack Bezo's phone or iCloud and share those photos with the National Enquirer? Did anyone direct them to do it? Are there folks in America who directed the hack and blackmail attempt? You know folks in high-profile positions in power who are in conflict with Bezos and the Washington Post?

Inquiring Minds Want to Know!