Monday, January 14, 2019

One of the Greatest Mistakes in the History of Fatal Mistakes!

Carl Berstein, Political Analyst, Journalistic Hero: “This is about the most serious counterintelligence people we have in the US government saying, ‘Oh my god, the President’s words and actions lead us to conclude that somehow he has become a witting, unwitting or half-witting Vladimir Putin.'”

Sympathy for this President? Sympathy for the devil? Nope.

No sympathy for this particular devil. It's not because he's colossally ignorant. It's not because he's a bloated, hollow husk of a human being and a shitty salesman to boot. It's not because he's an epic blowhard, a pathological liar, a clueless, tasteless, no-nothing. It's not because he's a coward and a phony, a wanna be strongman hiding behind his gaudy facade of Dictator kitsch, sticking his stupid name on everything. It's not his lifetime of corruption, money-laundering, his mobbed-up real estate empire. It's not because he inherited his wealth from his daddy.

All of that could probably be overlooked. I mean who cares?

No, there's no sympathy for this particular devil because of his stone-cold racism, his white supremacy, his race-baiting, his deep in-grained misogyny. His casual and constant degradation of other human beings: women, African Americans, Mexicans, brown and black people around the world. And of course his degradation of our Laws, our Constitution, our Norms, our Democratic system.

No sympathy because he fucked with all of us, probably initially as a misguided, ridiculous brand-building exercise. And kicked into gear by his deep hatred for the first African American President in American History.

No, no sympathy for this wreck of a human being. He isn't an evil genius. He's an idiot who blundered into a hilariously bad situation that went seriously off the rails. Running for President?  Accepting the nomination? Accidentally winning?

Stupidity in Spades.

All the time he was fucking with us, he was also playing patty cakes with a murderous strongman from a hostile foreign country. That was playing with fire. That was a fatal fucking mistake. One of the greatest mistakes in the history of fatal mistakes. Now, he's in a vise. Caught between the Law Man and the murderous, Oil-Can, Autocratic, wanna-be Dictator. And it's all gonna come out. The betrayal of his country for $. Such a cheap, tawdry, treasonous-flavored treat. What a completely odious and toxic fool. Let it come down!