Saturday, August 11, 2018

It's that kind of Universe!

You start down that "God," rabbit hole, and you immediately encounter a major stumbling block: Evil. What is evil? Why does it exist? If there is a God, WTF? Or if there is no God, WTF?

Greater minds than mine have struggled with this question, all the great philosophers, all the world religions. It seems to be an unsolvable riddle, a plague, a disease, something that ensnares all human beings.

Does Evil exist only in the human heart and head, or is it an actual energy, or force like gravity that exists out in the world? Lots of  ideas, theories. Who knows?

I kind of like that Carl Jung idea that Evil is the Shadow-side of God. So you imagine a God Figure who is both Good and Evil; He, or She, or  It, kind of cancels itself out. Creator/Destroyer all in one.

We as Human Beings get to choose, or are chosen. I think I know what Evil is - lack of Love, lack of Empathy, lack of Intelligence, lack of Grace, lack of Compassion.  Some of us choose, some of us are chosen. Maybe accidents of birth, accidents of nature. A Universe where nothing is accidental, and accidents happen frequently.

Things fuck up. It's that kind of Universe.