Friday, July 27, 2018

We are Left with the Odiferous Stink!

Yikes. I think we have reached an "inflection point,"  on the multiple, head-spinning, Helsinki Trump scandals, or you know, as Peter Gabriel sings, "Boy, Here Comes the Flood..."

What happens when one dirty, lying, rat turns on another dirty, lying, rat? Fun times!

I have never been a fan of Helsinki Trump, or his grand con-game: "Make America Great Again." But even I feel like I've been bamboozled. This onslaught of lies is pretty goddamn numbing. Are you tired of being lied to yet? America, when have you had enough? When do you say, "Uncle?!"

I do know that Helsinki Trump's true believers don't care. They are those kind of people, "the I Don't Cares." They will just shrug their shoulders and tell us everything is hunky dory. The rest of us? Watching this implosion is sort of perversely entertaining, but this kind of entertainment has it's limits. I think we have entered the Zombie Phase of the Presidency. The Prez is Dead Man Walking. His supporters too are just Zombie Hordes, they don't realize that they are brain-dead. Still walking around like they are with the living. Wonder how low and how long this will go. 

Helsinki Trump is like a big, stinky onion. Peel one layer of lies away, and there is another layer of lies beneath it. This goes on ad infinitum to the vanishing point. Finally all you are left with is the odiferous stink.