Saturday, June 30, 2018

"What Would We Do Without Wishful Thinking?" - Jeff Tweedy

Parallel Construction: "a law enforcement process of building a parallel—or separate—evidentiary basis for a criminal investigation in order to conceal how an investigation actually began."

For instance, you may have evidence of a grand conspiracy to defraud the USA, but the evidence is "Signals Intelligence (SIGNIT): "intelligence-gathering by interception of signals, whether communications between people communications intelligence—abbreviated to COMINT) or from electronic signals not directly used in communication (electronic intelligence—abbreviated to ELINT)."

So let's say you'd prefer not to reveal how you got the raw SIGNIT, you want to protect your sources, you have to build a case Human Being by Human Being. You need to get people to talk. To explain their actions, to tell the truth, to testify under oath. You need to break, to turn, to flip conspirators. Get them to commit to the real.

So you imagine a Special Counsel and a robust team of Prosecutors working diligently behind the scenes; meticulous, careful, judicious, dedicated to discovering the truth, putting the pieces together, constructing a grand narrative, and a list of indictments, accumulating pleas and convictions.

I put lots of faith in an idea; that there are still some Honest Human Beings amongst us. Wishful thinking? Maybe. I still have a faith that some of us can be loyal to a higher calling; beyond race, class, tribe. Loyal to truth, justice, common sense, rationality, facts.

It is sometimes difficult to see that reality behind the horror-show of our social and media landscape. It all seems like madness. Toil and Trouble. People out of their heads. Fighting for the last dollar, clinging to power by any means. Lording it over others. Needing, wanting, grasping. Faith only in the $$$.

I imagine a different tribe. Human Beings willing to transcend race, class, tribe. Human Beings loyal to being Human. I belong to that Tribe. The Tribe of Transcendence: Human Rights, Dignity, Fraternity, Liberty, Humanity, Justice, Love. I put my faith in a better day. Cooler heads. Intelligence. Discernment. Common Sense. Clarity. Silly me. I know, maybe, Wishful Thinking. What would we do without it?