Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Future is Unwritten - Let's Make it More Progressive, More Humane!

Great video. Great message. 

Maybe I'm wrong. But this morning I catch the news that this Young, Charismatic, Progressive, Democratic Woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won a primary in NY last night against a powerful, long-time Democrat. She's a new face. A new voice. She worked hard meeting folks from all walks of life in her district. She most likely will win this safe Democratic seat easily in November 2018.

I don't know. I think this Woman is the future. Right? And the Future is Unwritten. And maybe that Future could be more Progressive, More Socialistic, More Inclusive, More Diverse, Younger, Bolder, More Humane?

The last time I felt this kind of instant connection with a political figure was when I caught a young, wide-eared Illinois Congressman on local TV. I watched a few minutes of him speaking, answering questions, and I immediately called my Father and told him I just saw the Future of the Democratic Party!  That guy was Barack Hussein Obama in 2004.