Thursday, June 14, 2018

Silent Witness to Madness.

Staring down Satan (see previous post). Silent witness to madness. Survived my encounter with a Madman claiming to be Satan. You'd think maybe it would be empowering. Maybe. Not exactly.

There was a moment of relief that I survived the encounter without getting hurt, but then, I kind of devolved into a bit of a funk. Swamped by the emotions evoked by the futility of the moment.

A Madman, talking crazy, trying to intimidate me. I was silent in the moment. Probably a good strategy. Saved me from any kind of physical altercation. I walked away fully intact.

Still, it was all a bit disconcerting: Common sense, a shared humanity, communication. All fall away. Breakdown in the face of madness. Breakdown in the face of hate. Almost funny. Not quite.

Turns out lots of folks in the neighborhood know this guy. Many folks have had uncomfortable encounters with this guy. There is an uneasy realization of powerlessness.  You can't talk or reason with Madness. Crazy guy runs wild.

Was this a one-time encounter? I guess we shall see...