Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Seems He Only Feels Powerful By Making Other Folks Suffer...

"This presidency is now all about mental illness. Trump's dangerous & pathological narcissism is getting progressively worse. His reality testing about summit with Kim Jung Un is very low. We are at a rapidly escalating risk as Trump's grandiosity & paranoia rise inexorably."


"Trump is a prisoner of his own pathology and so are we. It would be in his interest to back down on separating parents and kids but he can’t admit to a mistake and he can’t tolerate being wrong. This is about mental illness not policy."


"To be clear: Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Donald Jr. and Eric -- every bit as heartless, greedy and evil as Trump himself. And 100% complicit."

- Above Quotes from Tony Schwartz (Ghost-Writer of Trump's "Art of the Deal)."

Because he is such a Toxic, Noxious, Blowhard, Con Man & Clown, some of us have underestimated the complete and lasting damage Little Baby Man could do to our great country. Some of us laughed at him, dismissed him, underestimated him. Some of us suspected his dysfunction, but we didn't understand the depths of his sickness. He is an Evil Man. Maybe he can't help it. Maybe it's just the way he is wired, you know,  he's a Narcissistic Sociopath.

Seems he only feels powerful by making other folks suffer. He plays on folks prejudices, he plays at dividing people, he ramps up the Hate. He is of course a first class Racist. A White Nationalist. He is also a first class Liar. A Liar of Prodigious Proportions. You know, he is Mentally Ill...

As President he is in a full-on war with the Institutions that make America great and exceptional: A Free Press, The Rule of Law, Free & Fair Elections. The Press is pushing back hard (except of course for his favorite propaganda outlet, Fox News, and some of the lesser crazy right sources), The Law has him in it's sights via the Mueller Investigation and NYSD. And he has awoken a great countervailing force which we hope prevails in November 2018, the Democratic Blue Wave.

It is exhausting keeping up with the outrage. It is exhausting being a concerned, informed, citizen. But it is essential that we all stay engaged, outraged, and POSITIVE. No time for cynicism. No time to tune out. No time to give up.

As my father, quoting the great Vince Lombardi, used to always say to me: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." I know it's a stupid saying. A cliche. But it's true. We need to hang tough.

This latest outrage of seperating children from their parents at the border is so heartbreaking, so inhumane, so unnecessary, so cruel and unjust. A cheap stunt, a bargaining chip. Destroying families. It is so basically evil... gut-churning terrible. Genocide.

As someone else pointed out: "Stealing someone's child and then giving them to someone else permanently is not "adoption," it's actually a Form of Genocide, as defined by the United Nations:"

Maybe when all is said and done, maybe, when this wreckage of a Presidency is a steaming rubble of shit, we can watch our Little Baby Man President face the music at the Hague for crimes against humanity. I don't expect it to happen, but one can certainly make the wish.