Wednesday, May 30, 2018

"What A Nut!"

Writing about subjects I know very little about? I do it all the time.

I am glad that being a racist can get you canned from your hit TV show. And I am glad that the show was canceled. I mean, hell, I never watched the show. I have no idea if it was good or not good, funny or not funny. I suspect it was one of those stupid network shows with a laugh track. Annoying. Unwatchable. But I heard that it was #1 and made a lot of money for the network. That's entertainment. That's America for you.

And the Woman? I never thought she was funny. I mean, I didn't see a lot of her. Don't really know her. All my knowledge  (which frankly is quite limited) on this subject, came from news about her crazy conspiracy-minded rants and overtly racist comments. My reaction has pretty much been, "What a Nut!"

Not the kind of person I'd invite into my living room. Which, I guess shows you the limits of my openness to other thoughts and viewpoints. I do draw the line. Yes. I do. Racist? Not interested. A loud talker, with lots of conspiracy theories? Not interested. Life is too short.

So she lost her show, she's being called out as a lunatic and a racist? What to do? “It was 2 in the morning and I was Ambien tweeting..." Blame it all on the drugs! Hah. Okay. That is funny!