Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Shooting Unarmed Protestors? I Am Against It!

Two peoples with deep, long-standing, legitimate claims on sacred land. A long history of blood, and terror & injustice on both sides. Our Little Baby Man President, and his Corrupt Nepotistic Spawn intentionally blunder into the middle of it all. Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem? Jerusalem, sacred to both peoples. Needless Provocation.  Shooting unarmed protestors? I am against it. Murdering a legless Palestinian hurling stones? I am against that too...
Alex Kane: "A reminder: Fadi Abu Saleh was killed by an army that receives 3.1 billion in US military aid paid for by US taxpayers. US laws prohibit the misuse of these weapons on unarmed protesters. But there's no accountability for Israel in the US."