Monday, May 21, 2018

Paranoia. Desperation. Ignorance. Hubris. Ridiculousness.

Yeah. It's weird. We are starting to get used to having a Mad, Looney Tunes, Fat Guy yelling at us all the time via Twitter & TV. It's weird to be yelled at by someone so clearly confused & ignorant. Probably the dumbest person you know, either personally or tangentially, just spouting off all the time. He seems troubled, hysterical, sort of craven and desperate. He sits in a prominent, famous chair, but acts like a spoiled brat with way too much time on his hands. We are in the middle of the story, so it's hard to get perspective on what's going down, but I think the gist of it is, that this Mad, Looney Tunes Fat Guy has done some really stupid, illegal things throughout his life, and all of  his past acts are now slowly seeping out into the light of day. The Law is coming at him from every direction. He is surrounded by corrupt & craven folks who are in it all for a buck and thrill. Paranoia. Desperation. Ignorance. Hubris. Ridiculousness.