Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Steely, Unforgiving Jaws of the Rule of Law!

Little Baby Man is melting down in real-time because the FBI raided his meatball, thuggish, long-time fixer lawyer's office, home and hotel suite. Things do not look good for the thuggish, meatball lawyer. And things do not look good for Little Baby Man either.

Seems karma really is a bitch. You must be careful how you spend your days. You must be careful how you choose to live. All of your thoughts and actions have consequences. And yes, reality does have a way of catching up with you.

And search warrants, FBI raids, indictments, pleas, convictions; well, they have a way of adding up. You can be a Little Baby Man. You can spend your days watching Fox News. You can spend your days yelling at your TV. You can shout: "Fake News," and "Witch Hunt" all day, until you are blue in the face.

But you are still basically FUCKED. This is not fake news, and it's not a witch hunt. Little Baby Man is not stuck in the steely, unforgiving jaws of the rule of law because of his "unpopular views," he is smack dab in the middle of the steely, unforgiving jaws of the rule of law because of all the bad shit he has done in his long-term life of dissolution, silliness, bad faith, bankruptcy and fraud. Oh yeah, and as a special bonus: Did anyone say "Russian Dupe in the White House?!"