Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Buck, Our True Religion!

This extraordinary construction - sculpture, photo-collage &  haunting visual creation, is from the incomparable, unsinkable artist, Michael Doubrava. I think of it as a visual ode to "Mammon:" Chaldee or Syriac word meaning "wealth" or "riches" ( Luke 16:9-11 ); also, by personification, the god of riches ( Matthew 6:24 ; Luke 16:9-11 ).

That early Christian, Timothy 6:10 (King James Bible) tells us that "Love of Money is the Root of All Evil." If only Timothy were around today. 

I mean, SHITE, he had no idea. What if you have a whole culture, a species, a planet, fall wildly, madly, deeply in love with the Almighty Buck? A species hypnotized by dollar signs? $$$. A species so hypnotized they don't even realize how they subsume everything - life, love, liberty, beauty, everything we do, say and think, to abject adulation of cold, hard, cash.  What would that look like?

You might have a planet of needing, wanting, grasping beyond your wildest, darkest, imaginings. Burning up the fossil fuels, using $$ to fuel & fire every last whim and addiction. Using the Buck to beat our fellow human beings into senseless submission.

What happens when a species comes to believe that all should bow down and worship the Great Almighty Buck? What happens then?