Thursday, April 12, 2018

"Grifters, Cons, Sharks, Goons & Crooks..."

I do think America is lucky. We still have the rule of law, and a Free Press. I don't go in for  that "fake news" thing. I think it's actually pretty easy to wade through all the noise and find solid, reliable news sources. For instance the Washington Post & The New York Times. Two great newspapers. Lots of great reporting during these very stressful times.

I am also a fan of the New York Times Editorial Page. Their latest on the Law and Little Baby Man is superb

"Mr. Trump has spent his career in the company of developers and celebrities, and also of grifters, cons, sharks, goons and crooks. He cuts corners, he lies, he cheats, he brags about it, and for the most part, he’s gotten away with it, protected by threats of litigation, hush money and his own bravado. Those methods may be proving to have their limits when they are applied from the Oval Office. Though Republican leaders in Congress still keep a cowardly silence, Mr. Trump now has real reason to be afraid. A raid on a lawyer’s office doesn’t happen every day; it means that multiple government officials, and a federal judge, had reason to believe they’d find evidence of a crime there and that they didn’t trust the lawyer not to destroy that evidence."

Yes, we are witnessing a little political stress test. I am hoping the Rule of Law and the Free Press will help us get through these difficult days ahead. Let it come down!