Thursday, April 19, 2018

Always the Next Rehearsal.

How many rehearsals? 

It was a raw day yesterday here in the heartland. Cold. Windy. Moist. Gloomy. It's hard to convey the complete and utter gloom that permeated every aspect of the day.

How to carry on? Just slog through. Step by step. It was hard. Like walking through molasses. Last night we ended up at our rehearsal space, running through songs. Just three of us. A guitar, a bass, tambourine, two voices.

The gloom lifted a bit. Always doing the good work. Whether it is good or not. Just do it. That's really the thing. How many rehearsals? Uncountable. Might as well ask how many waves in the lake? How many molecules in a cup of water? Can't come up with a number. Already looking forward to the next rehearsal.