Thursday, March 01, 2018

The Fuck-Up!

I am blogging from an undisclosed location. It's super-quiet here. Sort of monastic. Living with dogs. I fill my time up with music, books, and following the news of the day.  I am expert at being alone, without feeling lonely. I think it's a good skill to possess. 

I get the sense that our President is melting down. That the Ship of State is sinking, taking on water, the rats are jumping off, and the whole thing is about to capsize. Interesting times. I watch an interview with Woodward and Bernstein and I think of Nietzsche's idea of the Eternal Return.

Bad shit. Bad juju. When the Powerful turn out to be so corrupt it seeps into the land. The corruption is in the water, the air, the vibe of the land. We are all swept up in it. We swim in corruption too. It infects us. Shadows us. We spend way too much time thinking about people who don't deserve our attention.

Maybe it is instructive. Maybe it's necessary. We need an accounting. A cleansing. Let it come down. We are watching a catastrophe slowly unfolding. I am confident that we will survive this debacle. The story is astonishing, and appalling. 

A President is not a King. But the man in office sort of defines the era. This is The Fuck-Up. The time America really fucked up. Let's see if we can recover our senses, our purpose. I do think the Reckoning is coming. It will be stunning and awesome. Hopefully we can pick up the pieces and find a renewed purpose.