Friday, March 09, 2018

Stormy's Storm of Truth!

Maybe it's not so surprising that I would be rooting for Adult Film Actress, Stormy Daniels, in her lawsuit against Little Baby Man and his buffoonish, henchman lawyer. In this battle, all the class, all the sympathy, is on Stormy's side. Yes, it's obvious Little Baby Man paid her "hush money," ($130,000), and had her sign a coercive NDA, to buy her silence, to keep her from talking about their sexual relationship before the 2016 election. Was the $130,000 a secret, unreported, illegal campaign contribution/expenditure? 

Funny, he never signed the document, and he disguised his identity by using a fake name. It is all so characteristic of Little Baby Man. What a lame-ass scoundrel. And the charade is all coming apart. It is the coverup, the blatant lies that constitute this scandal. Little Baby Man just cannot tell the truth. He is incapable of being honest & forthcoming.

It must be a great burden to always have to spin new lies. A full-time job. As I've written before, his ability to lie shamelessly is his one true superpower. What is his "Kryptonite?" Truth. Facts. Stormy is the storm of truth coming down on his sorry ass. Free Stormy. Let her tell her truth!