Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Need an Over-Sized Scorecard!

There are so many bad actors in this Russian Dupe in the White House investigation. Of course, there is the big, fat, bad actor at the center of it all... drooling Little Baby Man, the little baby who just can't refrain from telling a lie every time he opens his slobbery mouth.

But you need an over-sized scorecard to keep track of all the bad actors who figure in this epic saga. Dominoes are falling, shoes are dropping, bad acts are being exposed every single day. Sometimes every single hour of every single day.

I suppose the upside, there is a major "cleansing" going on. Hopefully our country and our politics will be a better place when all is exposed, and the bad actors meet their day of reckoning. 

Now Facebook and Cambridge Analytica are being exposed... quite the interesting story... some folks think there is a "smoking gun," buried in the data... we shall see...