Tuesday, February 27, 2018

An Invisible, Invincible Shield of Stupidity!

Little Baby Man, you know, the guy in the White House, says really stupid things. Often. I mean, all the time, no, I mean, just about every time his poorly-chosen words (a stream of nonsense), pour from his slobbery mouth.

Little Baby Man actually said this about the Parkland shooting, no kidding... “I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon.” (Unfortunately for us... NO SUCH LUCK!).

Is that the stupidest thing Little Baby Man has ever said? 

Not sure, it's hard to judge the levels, the degrees, of stupid. In order to discern the stupidity on display, you actually need to delve deep into the stupid, kind of like jumping in a pond of scum, and try to make arbitrary decisions on what is "stupider" than stupid.

Let's just say, it was another really, really stupid thing to say. One of the uncountable number of stupid things that dribbles out of that man. Does anyone really believe that Little Baby Man would run into a building where a murderous kid armed with an AR-15 was randomly shooting down innocents? Nah. Don't think so. Even his biggest fans must know that is complete, utter, deluded & supremely stupid bullshit.

And just what would an unarmed Little Baby Man accomplish by standing in front of a heavily armed shooter? He'd be ripped to pieces by the bullets. For sure. Do you know what an AR-15 can do to the Human Body? 

"The bullet from an AR-15 does an entirely different kind of violence to the human body. It’s relatively small, but it leaves the muzzle at three times the speed of a handgun bullet. It has so much energy that it can disintegrate three inches of leg bone. “It would just turn it to dust,” says Donald Jenkins, a trauma surgeon at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. If it hits the liver, “the liver looks like a jello mold that’s been dropped on the floor.” And the exit wound can be a nasty, jagged hole the size of an orange.

These high-velocity bullets can damage flesh inches away from their path, either because they fragment or because they cause something called cavitation. When you trail your fingers through water, the water ripples and curls. When a high-velocity bullet pierces the body, human tissues ripples as well—but much more violently. The bullet from an AR-15 might miss the femoral artery in the leg, but cavitation may burst the artery anyway, causing death by blood loss. A swath of stretched and torn tissue around the wound may die. That’s why, says Rhee, a handgun wound might require only one surgery but an AR-15 bullet wound might require three to ten."

So unless Little Baby Man has an invisible, invincible "Shield Of Stupidity" he'd have been cut to ribbons, and bled out on the linoleum. Just another victim. Oh Little Baby Man, you are such a stupid, I mean, really, really stupid example of a human being. A complete, total, profoundly stupid disgrace to the species.  Yes, indeed!