Sunday, January 07, 2018

Patience Grasshopper

I think this an important post from Kevin Drum. He points out that the Republican Party is in "full-on panic mode." And he sort of counsels that the rest of us should not panic.  The tide is against the GOP. Patience Grasshopper. Maybe "The Grab Them By the Pussy President" is gonna bring the apocalypse, but maybe not...

So here’s the situation (emphasis added!):
  • The Republican Party is screwed. Both their base and the conservative media-industrial complex are all-in on racial grievance-mongering, but it’s clear that this is a losing strategy nationwide that’s only going to get worse. The demographic argument for the GOP’s demise has been a Chicken Little prediction for years, but it’s pretty clear that the sky really is falling now.
  • By a fluke, they won anyway in 2016.
  • At the moment, it looks like they’re about to get squashed like bugs in the 2018 midterms.