Saturday, January 27, 2018

Dutch Hackers Hacked the Russian Hackers Who Hacked the U.S. !

This is an incredible little story. In the summer of 2014, Dutch Intelligence enlisted a team of hackers called the Joint Signit Cyber Unit (JSCU), to hack into the Russian Intelligence team of hackers (code named Cozy Bear), and watched in real-time as Cozy Bear's hacking team hacked into the United States State Department, the White House and the DNC.

"The Dutch watched as the Russian hackers penetrated the computer network of the State Department."

"Not only did the AIVD gain access the computer network, it also hacked the security camera in the corridor."

Dutch Intelligence shared all of this with the U.S. So there is definitive proof that the Russians hacked the U.S. AND, the key perpetrators were identified on camera... 

Wow. Spy vs. Spy vs. Spy... of course, Little Baby Man refuses to acknowledge any of this, he blathers on about "fake news," but that is exactly what we would expect from a Russian Dupe/Asset in the White House!