Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Russia Helped Trump - Fact!

Yes. We must try to stick to the facts. Wade through the lies and misinformation. Daily. It's not easy. Not necessarily fun, but necessary. So, yes, just a reminder, that "Russia was behind the 2016 email hacks." The Associated Press confirms it. Don't let anyone lie to you, or try to spin you...

"It wasn’t just a few aides that the hackers went after; it was an all-out blitz across the Democratic Party. They tried to compromise Clinton’s inner circle and more than 130 party employees, supporters and contractors.

While U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia was behind the email thefts, the AP drew on forensic data to report Thursday that the hackers known as Fancy Bear were closely aligned with the interests of the Russian government….[This] helps explain how a Russian-linked intermediary could boast to a Trump policy adviser, a month later, that the Kremlin had “thousands of emails” worth of dirt on Clinton."