Monday, November 27, 2017

Questlove's Universe - I Want In!

I am so happy I recently purchased Questlove's "Mo' Meta Blues."  I'm reading it now. What a great memoir. What an amazing musician and human being. I just love this man. A copy of the above photo is affixed to our refrigerator. Every morning I am greeted by this wonderful moment captured by the camera, such a big aura, such an infectious smile. Opening the refrigerator door, reaching in for the milk, that photo flying by me, it's always a great way to begin the day.

Soulful. Funny. Brilliant. A maestro. Questlove is ubiquitous: "existing or being everywhere at the same time." I am about 1/3 of the way in on the text, what a great education on music. Questlove is a music-obsessive. A total music Geek for sure. He's also one of the great drummers, a supreme music-obsessive. Reading the book, I am learning so much about some of the music that I'm not all that familiar with: Rap, Hip Hop and Neo-Soul.

Of course, I am quite familiar with one of his great collaborators D'Angelo. I have also lately been obsessed with D'Angelo's two fabulous records, "Voodoo" and "Black Messiah." They have been on heavy rotation around here for quite awhile. Just the finest stuff imaginable. Questlove's book is a revelation. I must say I have a boat-load of new albums that I've added to my wishlist.

Questlove and Mo' Meta Blues, highly recommended!