Thursday, November 16, 2017

Believe in the Amorphous!

True Believers. I do think we all need to believe in something. Maybe believe in believing? But I think it works best if we choose to believe in big things, things like, "A Better Day." You know a big, amorphous, inclusive idea that gives us hope, motivates us to put our boots on and face the day. A big idea that's not specific, it's open-ended, it is easily adaptable in the face of conditions on the ground. Conditions on the ground are always in flux. Your big idea needs to be able to adapt, to incorporate, to include these conditions. As they say, "Reality has a way of catching up with you."

You don't want to cling to very specific things like this book, this person, this political party, this theory, this religion, this way of doing things. Too narrow. Too easy to mislead you, too easy to disappoint you, to lead you astray. 

Maybe believe in small things, like a varied diet, a good night's sleep, walking, speaking softly, being gentle and kind. Believe in listening, empathy and compassion for all living things.

Believe in the wonder of the world. Believe that everything you know could be wrong. Believe in a better day, a better idea. Everything else needs work, verification, a testing of hypotheses. We need to sift through data, check our sources, be open and willing to change our minds. Daily.