Thursday, October 19, 2017

Buying Stuff!

Buying Stuff. Seductive. You get why people dig Capitalism - owning, selling, buying shit for profit. Don't forget the pleasure part of the equation, right? We like buying shit.

Usually I am pretty frugal. Counting my pennies. Spending as little as possible. But lately I have been on a bit of a buying frenzy.

Buy new boots to replace the old, beat boots. Suddenly, every step is a bit more springy. Every step.
Buy new razor blades to replace, the old, dull blades. Suddenly every shave is close & smooth.
Buy a new travel mug to replace the old beat mug. Suddenly every cup of coffee is tasty & bright.
Buy a new guitar tuner to replace the old one. Suddenly tuning up that beat old guitar is easier. More tuneful.
Buy a new book, a big fat tome. There's hope, promise in those unread pages.

Like I said, buying stuff, seductive. Do we transform, renew ourselves by the shit that we buy? That is how it feels.