Tuesday, October 03, 2017

A Terrible & Difficult Legacy...

Yesterday, Morrissey's line "It takes strength to be gentle and kind," was ringing in my head. I guess a reminder to myself that Human beings can be gentle and kind. Also empathetic, compassionate, and loving.

Of course, at the same time, it's clear for all to see that Human Beings can also be murderous, blood-lusting, nihilistic, selfish, greedy, horrifying.

Reminds me of Sigmund Freud and his idea of the "death drive." 

I fall into the rabbit hole of Freudian Psychology. Eros = "the tendency toward survival, propagation, sex, and other creative, life-producing drives." And Thanatos = "the drive towards death and self-destruction."

Can it be there is a constant battle going on? Forces inside our heads, fighting it out, moment by moment? Sometimes it does feel that way. And it is sort of exhausting, and deflating. Horrific events happen and we are all left to wonder, "How can it be?" 

What is wrong, and what is right about the Human Being? Every act of kindness reflects on us all. Every murderous act reflects on us all.  A terrible and difficult legacy.