Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A Fall from Grace, Terrifying, Awesome...

To watch a "fall from grace," is sort of terrifying, awesome. Powerful Man. Falls. The "scales" fall from everyone's eye almost simultaneously. You wonder, how did someone so unworthy, last for so long, in such a position of power, doing such dastardly, disgusting things to so many people?

It is like that fable, right? One day someone points out that the King is naked, unclothed. He has always been naked, and he isn't really a King at all, just another naked human being.

How many people were silent? How many people just put up with the abuse? How many folks knew what was happening, but just walked away? Complicit. The word of our times.

Powerful Man has it all.  Money. Fame. Power. For years he lords it over everyone else. Then the truth comes out. And it all falls away. This Powerful Man thrived on an ugliness beyond imagining. We watch the great unraveling and wonder at the vanity, the hubris, arrogance and ugliness of a Man.