Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Uglies!

He is the Ugliest of the Uglies. No doubt. He is the Ugliest American. And he leads the movement of Ugliness. A subset of a major political party. And that major political party just went along with the Uglies. The Uglies made the most noise. They looked like they were having the most fun. They just didn't care about the beautiful people. Didn't give a fuck about anything.

So Ugliness ascended to a position of power. Out of step with the country, the world, but all the various Uglies were very pleased, indeed. It's hard to watch. It's painful to see the country dragged in the mud. It's all a very, very bad, off-color joke. Not funny. Wince-inducing.

What to do? Resist, of course. Take note. Try to understand. And then defeat, bury, obliterate this movement of Ugliness with beauty, intelligence, determination, organization, engagement. Maybe it is instructive to see such unbridled Ugliness on display? Teaches us how not to think, to act, to navigate in the world.

There is better way, a better day. Right around the corner. Just have to wade through this period of Ugliness.