Monday, July 03, 2017

He is Not Worthy!

Thinking about tomorrow, July 4th 2017...

Our current President, makes you sort of question the whole enterprise. WTF? Don't think our "founding fathers" envisioned such a man running the country... the day to day drip of information is baffling, infuriating, embarrassing...

Doesn't really make sense that past events have led directly to this train-wreck of a man, but this is the sad reality of our present circumstances. Let's not let one man taint the whole thing. Maybe it's best to turn away, to think of other things, the man who embodies our nation is not worthy...

MAUREEN DOWD in the NYT: “Cruella de Trump”: “The 71-year-old president’s pathological inability to let go of slights; his strongman reflex to be the aggressor and bite back like a cornered animal, without regard for societal norms; his lack of self-awareness about the power he commands and the proportionality of his responses; his grotesque hunger for flattery and taste for Tony Soprano tactics; his Pravda partnership with David Pecker, the head honcho at The National Enquirer, which has been giving Trump the Il Duce treatment while sliming his political opponents, the ‘Morning Joe’ anchors and Megyn Kelly -- these are all matters that should alarm men and women equally.

“Trump has moved his shallow kiddie wading pool of gossip and ridicule from Trump Tower to the White House, where it is so outlandishly out of place that it often feels like we have a Page Six reporter as our president. … Before he got to D.C., Trump was used to media that could be bought, sold and bartered with. He is not built for this hostile environment and it shows in his deteriorating psychological state. Even though he’s in the safest space of all, he’s not in a safe space.”