Thursday, July 20, 2017

Days of Bafflement & Wonder

Days of bafflement and wonder. 

More walking. Less talking. That has been my modus operandi the last few days. Taking the world in through my senses five, and maybe, just possibly a sixth or seventh I don't know about too.

Clarity is front and center. I see clearly. But some of what I see looks like madness - Hurly Burly, Toil and Trouble.

It's the human thing x 7.5 Billion (and counting). That is a lot of "needing, wanting, grasping." A seething, throbbing ball of confusion.

Maybe it has always been so. There are just many so more of us right this moment. Just in my paltry, infitesimal life-span, the population has increased by nearly 5 billion people. That's some serious propagating. "Be fruitful and multiply." We have taken to that command with supreme gusto.

Think about the collective energy of the planet. The collective consciousness of all those billions of human beings. No wonder we spend lots of time wondering...