Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Zero to Obstruction in 5 Months!" - Josh Marshall

Much our lives are bounded by "unreason." The cycle of birth and death. The inhumanity of man against man. Racism. Misogyny. Random acts of violence. Suicide bombings. Mass shootings. Floods, pestilence, hurricanes. The rain of frogs!

So it's unlikely, gratifying & satisfying when reason (for once) wins the day. A story takes a satisfactory turn. The gods smile down upon us. A good deed is rewarded. Man saves the baby. The good guys win. A cooling shower in the midst of the blaze.

So yes, I must say I was "tickled pink" when I heard the news: the President is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice. It seems so right. So inevitable. The man has been shooting for this kind of achievement his whole life. Not an easy thing to do: "Zero to Obstruction in 5 Months."

Astonishing. It is a "super-human" kind of achievement, takes a special combination of personal/spiritual corruption, a decided self-absorption, and an uncommon, determined idiocy. 

I may be getting ahead of the story, but sometimes Truth, Justice, Reason, The Rule of Law gets the upper hand. Sometimes the good guys and girls really do win! Got my fingers crossed!