Thursday, June 08, 2017

How long will these folks pretend, deny, enable, make excuses for, and lie for this poor excuse of a human being?

Yes, America in Crisis. It's obvious for all to see. Except of course for the enablers, the collaborators, the deniers, the quislings. And there are lots of them. Pretty much most of the GOP, and the tight cadre of scoundrels in the White House - the boot-lickers, the water-carriers, those who would corrupt themselves for a Malevolent Floundering Moron.

How long? How long will these folks pretend, deny, enable, make excuses for, and lie for this poor excuse of a human being? It's an ugly embarrassing spectacle. It's one thing to be the Malevolent Floundering Moron, we can expect him to be defiant to the bitter end, but it's everyone else around him who you really marvel at. How can they do it? How long can they hold out? How far and deep are they willing to corrupt themselves?

The clock is ticking. We are watching folks shed every last drop of their dignity & integrity in their service to this clueless bully. It's a dirty, stinking business. It's funny too. In a gallows humor kind of way. It's painful to watch human beings act this way. What a shameful spectacle. Who knew the depths of depravity and deniability of our fellow Americans.

They are like the "pod people," the Zombies, the mindless, brainless wonders. But it's even more amazing because we know they do have minds, they do have brains, but they have chosen to use them so thoughtlessly and carelessly, without any shame or sense of responsibility. Baffling. Strange. Sad. Ridiculous. America in Crisis.