Monday, May 29, 2017

Money + Arrogance + Ignorance + Unlimited Corruption = Downfall.

Let's get back to basics. What's going on? So many weird, kooky, contradictory stories floating around. Let's keep it simple. It's about the Do Re Mi. Money. Right?! Of course.

A really not very smart guy lucked into a big job in the USA, with help from a pretty smart, brutal, murderous, corrupt guy from another country. 

The really not very smart guy, really, really thinks he's really, really smart. He decided he would use the USA as his own personal piggy bank, and create a nice little feedback loop with the brutal, corrupt guy.

The really not very smart guy actually thought he could pull this off.  Looks like that was a major, fucking miscalculation. The really not very smart guy figured we were all clueless idiots. We aren't.  The really not very smart guy really stepped into it this time.

Like I've said before, it will not end well for this really not very smart guy. And his fall, his total disgrace, his years in prison, will be very much earned. Karma, baby!

The above illustration from Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo kind of encapsulates the little, fucked-up scheme. Money + Arrogance + Ignorance + Unlimited Corruption = Downfall.