Sunday, May 14, 2017

King Lear without the Gravitas!

Can you imagine working for the guy? As someone, somewhere said: "You'd have to be a Liar or a Fool." I suppose most of us would first ask, "How much does it pay?"

Aye there's the rub. So yes, it would sort of be liking working for King Lear, except without the gravitas. And you'd have to really learn how to grovel, praise, boot-lick, ass-kiss.

And everyone this guy comes in contact with seems to get dirtied, or slimed beyond recognition. It's sort of like wrestling a really dirty, noxious pig. You are not going to emerge from it smelling like a rose.

The guy is a toxic windbag. He turns us all into liars and fools just by demanding our attention. But it doesn't seem right to just totally tune him out.  A no-win situation for sure.