Thursday, May 04, 2017

Jesus in America Pt. 20

Why have you forsaken me?

Days go by and no Jesus in America sighting. Makes me think he  has moved on to another game. Or makes me think maybe I just hallucinated the whole thing. No such luck.

Yesterday, late morning, there he was (the one without a cat), on his bike, texting on his smart phone, (that's dangerous Jesus!), wearing new eyeglasses!  Snazzy, large, clear, cool-looking frames. Totally new look for Jesus in America. He looks a bit more literate, intelligent, bookish, pulled together, less fierce, more quizzical, more approachable, a little more thoughtful. Amazing what the right accessory can do for your looks. 

Functional too, right? They are eyeglasses. Help him see. He was blind, but now he sees?! Right? So yes, Jesus in America now looks at the world with new eyes, he sees with a new clarity. And to me he looks a bit renewed and clearer and more in focus too.