Friday, April 14, 2017

Jesus in America!

Good Friday 2017.

You can take the Boy out of the Catholic. But you can't take the Catholic out of the Boy...

Jesus lives in our neighborhood. It makes sense. Jesus in America. He'd choose to live in a college town in the Midwest, on the shores of one of the Great Lakes. A prestigious institution. Lots of smart people. Big-time Business school.

Jesus is sort of a hanger-on. Maybe a "gradual student." Not enrolled. Monitoring classes. Spending lots of time on the lakeshore campus: biking, hiking, skate-boarding, windsurfing, playing Hacky-sack. Yes, Jesus is trying to bring back Hacky-Sack. What happened to all the Hacky-sack players of yesteryear?

Jesus owns (ok, maybe better to say he is friends with), a cat. He brings the cat with him wherever he goes. Sometimes you can see Jesus riding his bike with his cat-friend perched on his shoulder. Sometimes it kind of hangs off the side of his head, like some very exotic and lively hat. That is one cool cat.

Jesus is looking a bit ragged lately; over-cooked. Out in the sun too long. He's always outside, on the move. Get yourself some sunblock Jesus! Anyway, my friend and I are always reporting on Jesus' latest movements. Sending text messages back and forth about Jesus sightings. 

This exchange is from 2 days ago...

Outgoing Text Message: "Jesus is eating bad Chinese today!"

Incoming Text Message: "Does he have his Cat with him?"

Outgoing Text Message: "In his meal?!"

Incoming Text Message: "Yikes!"