Sunday, April 23, 2017

Jesus in America Pt. 10

I'm projecting a bit here...

If you have been following along. Jesus lives in my hood. Jesus in America. Actually, surprisingly, it seems there are two of them, two Jesus in Americas. 

It is safe to say, that they are not Conservatives. They aren't Evangelicals. They don't, as one Conservative Evangelical was recently quoted in the NYT as saying, "Hate Obama, Hate Liberals, Hate Abortion & Hate Gay Marriage."

They aren't that kind of Jesus. 

They do like water-sports, biking, hiking, long hair & cats. They are both slim, and quiet, and active. They spend lots of time outdoors. They are loners, they keep to themselves. They don't seem to have any girlfriends, or any friends at all. They don't seem to know each other either.

I guess you could say they seem to "lead by example." Keep moving. Always keep moving.

They don't preach. They don't talk. They won't look you in the eye. I haven't seen any miracles. No walking on water, no turning water into wine, no raising the dead.

Maybe you'd think a sort of ordinary, pedestrian, kind of Jesus. That's probably about right.