Sunday, October 02, 2016

Pure, Beautiful, Evocative Sound!

I have probably listened to Sigur Ros more than any other band I can think of since I discovered them around 2003. It was the "grey one" that I discovered. Put me in the camp with those who consider it one of the "great albums of all time."  A knockout. Unlike anything else.

We also own the "white one" and the "yellowish one."

What is the sound of Sigur Ros? Elemental. Transcendental. Symphonic. Enveloping. Spiritual. Powerful. Gorgeous. Intense. Harmonic. Seismic.

No choruses. No groove. No swing. No words. Or the words are all a "made up language," (Hopelandic), based on sound. Pure, beautiful, evocative sound.

Stately. Crystalline. Think of a thousand oceans crashing against a thousand shores. Think of a volcano singing. Think of the tectonic plates harmonizing.

We saw them perform at the beautiful, stately Chicago Theater on Friday. To say it was one of the best concerts I ever saw is probably an understatement. And doesn't really say anything. Life-changing, life-affirming, exhilarating, cathartic, inspiring.

Sound. Light. Image. Perfectly realized.