Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bring the 9 Muses Back!

The 9 Muses. We should bring them back. Maybe we could deflate all those massive egos that are inflating all around us?

How many geniuses can dance on the head of a pin? 

It gets to be a bit much when we have artists of all types and politicians, and business folks, and well, people from every walk of life puffing themselves up and telling us how brilliant they are, and how everything truly revolves around them.

Maybe we go back to the concept of "the Muses," you know, let's admit that it's not all about us. Inspiration and knowledge and invention, these things descend upon us like the rain. The best amongst us absorb their influences like sponges and then reflect them back to the world.

So yes, we are all made of "star stuff," but we are more like moons. We reflect the light. Our light comes from other sources. Our "genius" is being open and receptive to others.

And maybe not every Muse has their shit together. Maybe there are dumb muses? Muses that will lead you astray, down blind alleys. These defective Muses would explain so much.

We would take less credit, take less blame. Maybe that would help us in this land of the apotheosis of the ego!