Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Then Events Conspire!

And then "events conspire." Is that how it happens? You know, things happened. I didn't make them happen, it's sort of like they happened to me.  All I know for sure, I was there, and things happened around and to me.

It's been a good year, 6 days in. I "cleared" tons of energy. I let things go. Dropped them. They disappeared, evaporated, disintegrated. I freed up a lot of dead energy. Exhilarating. I also created some new things. Things appeared, came into my life. Good things. Positive things. Amazing things.

Do you believe in energy? Do you believe in "psychic energy?" Do you believe that when you create a picture in your head, that picture creates energy, exudes energy, kind of creates a force-field around you?

That's what I learned at "psychic school." I learned how to meditate by sitting quiet, eyes closed, and creating pictures in my head. It's "creative visualization." So you can create and destroy pictures in your head, and the idea is that all that creating and destroying is liberating, enlightening.

You are moving energy! I do believe in energy. Of all kinds. I believe energy is everything. The Universe is energy. As Wm. Blake tells us: "Energy is Eternal Delight." So yes, 6 days in and everything has been transformed. I dropped a ton of dead energy, and re-charged, recreated, re-envisioned a whole new world and way of being.

Most of this "just happened" around me. Things disappeared, things appeared, things left me, things came to me. I was present. Alive. Attentive. Creating and destroying pictures in my head. Is that how you do it?