Saturday, January 02, 2016

The First Day of the New Year!

It has been said, (I don't know exactly by whom), that what you do on the first day of the new year sets the tone for the year. So choose wisely. 

I think we were very wise indeed.

1. A long luxurious, lazy morning. Drinking coffee, listening to an amazing CD carousel of music: The Rolling Stones "Goat's Head Soup," The Who's "Who's Next," U2's "All That You Can't Leave Behind," Buffalo Springfield's "Greatest Hits!," T-Rex's "Electric Warrior." What a great multi-disc album!

2. A long luxurious meditation. Release the energy from the old year, clear space for the new year.

3. Take in a great movie, "Carol." I think Cate Blanchett is my favorite actor. Woman or man. She is fierce, intelligent, lovely, powerful, fully committed, totally inhabits her characters. Icy, vulnerable. Beautiful. Cate never seems to make a bad choice in roles. She is not only a great actress, she is an artist of the highest caliber. Great taste. Brilliant mind. Emotional Intelligence! The movie is a masterpiece. A fever-dream. Rooney Mara is amazing too. Loved this movie. Todd Haynes is a master too. Highly recommended!

4. Dinner at the Phoenix Inn! Good Chinese at Bad Chinese prices. Which in our formula is the Holy Grail.  The formula goes like this: 

1. Good Chinese @ Good Chinese Prices = Good Food, Pricey! Not such a great deal.
2. Bad Chinese @ Good Chinese Prices = Bad Food, Pricey! A terrible deal! 
3. Bad Chinese @ Bad Chinese Prices = Bad Food, Cheap! A good deal, but terrible food. Yuck!
4. Good Chinese @ Bad Chinese Prices = This is the Holy Grail! Good food, cheap!

5. Played music in the kitchen. A duo. Two voices, one guitar. We played songs we wrote together, and songs we love, written by others. So fun, so gratifying!

6. Early to bed! Conked out early. Slept like a baby!

I'm ready for 2016!