Sunday, December 27, 2015

Explodes the Old Myth and Gives Us a New One!

A friend sent me an article that talks about the tech behind Tarantino's "Hateful Eight." (See previous post). Old lenses on a shelf. Old projectors. An amazing "roadshow" concept. So yes, I highly recommend that if you are going to see this movie, you see it now, in it's special 70 mm format.

It's an epic, shown in epic form. Is all this fuss and attention to the tech worth it? Yes!

Tarantino presents a new classic Western, and then totally subverts the form. He explodes the old myth and gives us a new one. The more I think about the movie, and what Tarantino was exploring, and his attention to detail, the more I think it's one of the great American movies. Essential.

And he has his finger on the pulse. The old wounds and the still fresh wounds. There's racism, sexism, materialism, all the isms! And Tarantino pushes it all to the outer limits. So powerful, refreshing, overwhelming. Funny And beautiful too.

Yes, and hateful too!