Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Chump-hood Stickiness!

I think Paul Krugman is onto something. Trump and the Chump factor. No one wants to admit that they are a Chump. So instead of admitting that they are fools, or have been fooled, the Chump will cling to their Chump-hood with all their might, and insist that they are right, and always have been right, and how dare you think that they aren't right. 

This "Chump-hood stickiness," has gotten us into big trouble. Over and over again. Mad and pointless wars, bad and unhealthy food, pollution and global warming, racism, sexism, and political, social and cultural idiocy of all kinds. 

There is nothing scarier, or more dangerous than a chump clinging to their foolish claims and views. All kinds of sadness, madness, mischief, and stupidity ensues. You can't argue or reason with a confirmed, determined Chump. They are a class all by themselves.  Marching over the cliff. And they would be glad to take you with them.