Monday, December 21, 2015

A Difficult Year.

2015. This has been a difficult year. Bounded by sadness, loss, tragedy. I suppose this could be said about any year. Anyway, how to carry on? Must remember that there is more than sadness, loss, tragedy. Better to take it in and carry on. Take in the sadness, take in the loss, take in the tragedy.

Somehow we must transform that "darkness" and deepen our lives. Still, we must see that life is more... it's more than the enveloping sadness...

There's joy, hope, curiosity, energy. There's life. After sadness, after loss, after tragedy. So acceptance, not denial. Denial tries to erase. Can't erase. Erasing takes our own humanity away.

Sink into our humanity. Revel in it. See the light, the beauty, the laughter, the joy. It sits side by side with the sadness, darkness, ugliness, the tears.

We get to have it all. Must embrace it. And carry on.