Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Coach Gets Fired!

A big-time NFL coach gets fired. It's kind of an interesting story. Creative, innovative guy, very successful in college, fails spectacularly in the NFL. Some folks talk of hubris and over-confidence.

If you are known for being unconventional, your every action will be scrutinized. And that was the case with Chip Kelly. 

Brings up all these thoughts about "what's a leader?" Football is insanely violent and dangerous. Grown men bashing their heads, risking their bodies on every play. They are big, fast, muscled specimens risking it all for money and fame.

Coaches are the guys who come up with schemes and game plans. And they are the ones who must fire up and motivate these players to gladly risk everything on every play. They must be "leaders of men," playing a very destructive game.

There's talk of "culture," and "emotional intelligence." I think of Vince Lombardi, considered one of the greatest football coaches of all time. He is a mythic figure from my childhood. When I was young, I hated Lombardi. A fierce, uncompromising hatred. I was a Chicago Bears fan, and for a brief time my family moved to Wisconsin, and I lived in a world of Packer fans.

Lombardi was held up as some kind of shining god. A leader of men, a purveyor of success and winning. Everything was about winning. Famous quote: "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."

I hated that mindset. I hated it all. I hated Lombardi with a passion. 

What's funny. Much later, long after Lombardi was gone, when he was just a myth and a ghost, I picked up and read a book about him. And I kind of fell for him. I fell for him hard. I realized that he really was a disciplined, funny, passionate, loyal, gifted man, who could inspire others to risk everything on a football field.

I realized in the middle of all that macho bravado and football smarts, Lombardi created a culture of love and loyalty. And an ethic of excellence. Talk about a change of mind and heart!

My hatred turned on a dime. Funny. So yes, smarts and scheme are good. But when it really comes down to it, there's "culture" and "emotional intelligence," and "love!"